Saturday, September 2, 2023

Space Ace Review - CVG Issue 149 April 1994

Space Ace Review from Computer & Video Games Magazine in the UK


Chaos Control Review - GamePro UK Issue 1 July 1995

 Chaos Control review from the UK edition of GamePro magazine.

NFL Instant Replay Review - Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine Issue 80 September 1995

 CD-i game review from a US game magazine with possibly the longest title ever.

'Hollywood Enters The FMV Arena' CD-i Feature - Edge Magazine Issue 1 October 1993

News article from the first issue of Edge magazine highlighting the use of FMV in games and introducing readers to the possibilities promised from the upcoming Video CD format and MPEG hardware add-ons to CD based videogame consoles, with a focus on the CD-i.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Caesars World of Boxing Review - CVG Issue 148 March 1994

 CD-i Review from the UK Computer and Videogames magazine

'Special ECTS CD-i Preview' Feature from EGM2 Magazine Issue 5 November 1994

 A Round Up of game previews from the 1994 European Computer Trade Show first presented in EGM2 Magazine. 

UK In-Store Philips CD-i Sales Brochure - Summer 1992

Early UK sales brochure following the launch of the CD-i, circa Summer 1992. This was a heavy card stock brochure that could be used freestanding in a fold out triangle shape, so may have been used to promote the system in stores and store displays.

The Hunt For Red October Video CD Review - Home Entertainment Magazine Issue 12 June 1994

 UK Video CD Coverage from Home Entertainment Magazine together with a one page advertisement for the Philips CD-i 210 & 220 from the same issue.

The 7th Guest Fact File - Electronic Gaming Monthly 57 April 1994

 An EGM fact file on the upcoming 7th Guest for CD-i from April 1994

Zelda's Adventure Preview - CVG Issue 152 July 1994

Work In Progress Preview from the UK Computer & Video Games Magazine


Video CD Round Up - Sega Saturn Magazine Issue 6 April 1996

More Video CD coverage from the UK Sega Saturn Magazine

Friday, July 28, 2023

'The CD-i In The 32 Bit War' Feature - Ultimate Future Games Issue 10 September 1995

With the launch of the Sega Saturn in the UK, Ultimate Future Games magazine ran a feature looking at the prospects of the contenders in the looming 32 bit war and the CD-i still had enough of a market presence at this point to warrant inclusion in the discussion. 

Dragon's Lair Fact File & Review - Electronic Gaming Monthly 61 August 1994

 Dragon's Lair Fact File & Reviews of Dragon's Lair and Who Shot Johnny Rock? from EGM Magazine.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Shaolin's Road Review (Translated to English) - French Generation CD-i Magazine Issue 3 July 1995

A review of Shaolin's Road from Generation CD-i magazine. Translated from French to English and reconstructed in DTP software to resemble the original review as closely as possible.

Below are pictures of the original scans I worked from for comparison - 

Scans of the full original French magazines can be found here - 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Hotel Mario Fact File - Electronic Gaming Monthly 56 March 1994

An EGM fact file on the upcoming Hotel Mario game from March 94

'Lights, Camera, Action' CD-i Feature - CVG Issue 141 August 1993

CVG magazine takes a look at some of the upcoming releases for the CD-i in its initial coverage of the new wave of CD based consoles hitting the UK games market.

UK Retailer CD-i Catalogue from Tavistock Sound and Vision circa September 1993

Tavistock Sound and Vision is an independent electrical retailer based in Bedford in the UK which, I believe, is still going strong to this day. Back in 1993 they were fully behind the Philips CD-i and produced this catalogue / stock list to keep their customers up to date on the latest releases.